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Petition for a writ of habeas corpus under Art. 226 of the Constitution of India

 Petition for a writ of  habeas corpus under Art. 226 of the Constitution of India

In the High Court at ……………….


[Address]……………………………….                     Petitioner


(1) State of…………., through Chief Secretary thereof at…………} Respondents.


(2)  Superintendent, District jail…………………………………...   }

In the matter of ……………. of ………………


Petition for a writ of  habeas corpus under Art. 226 of the Constitution of India

Cr. Revision No………. of……….

The petitioner above named states as under :

1. That Shri ……….…………………  of …..…..  above named was arrested on ……… under a warrant issued by the ……………………. [Authority/State] and has been detained under the ……… Act and is confined to ……… Jail.

2. That the said Shri ………..………….. was not served with the grounds of detention for more than a month  after his arrest. He applied to the State. Government for such grounds but the same have not yet been delivered to him.

3. That the said Shri ………..……….. has not been able to make his representation. He has been deprived of his fundamental rights under the Constitution of India.

4. That the detention of the said Shri …………………..……… is illegal and arbitory.

5. That the said Shri…………………….……… is unable to present a petition for a writ of habeas corpus personally. The petitioner is (here show relationship or a friend of the said Shri ……………..…………)

6. It is prayed that a writ of habeas corpus  be issued for production of the body of the said Shri………………………………… in court and be set at liberty.

N.B. - An affidavit in support of the petition is filed herewith.

(Sd.) Petitioner



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